What's New?

Someone’s about to get Croaked!

CroakedCJ-200by CJ Verburg

“If Lydia Vivaldi hadn’t tried to read the Cape Cod Times Help Wanted ads while driving, she wouldn’t have wound up on the side of 6A with a flat tire. Her yellow Morris Minor wouldn’t have caught the eye of Alistair Pope, passing in his vintage Mercedes. Lydia wouldn’t have joined Alistair at Leo’s Back End for lunch; Leo wouldn’t have hired her to replace his assistant cook, Sue, who had just stormed out in tears after Leo diluted her split-pea soup; and the murder rate in Quansett, Massachusetts, might have stayed at zero.”

Just about now, at the end of May, is when Lydia Vivaldi fled Cambridge for Cape Cod and launched “Croaked: an Edgar Rowdey Mystery.” To celebrate that benchmark and the verge of a new summer, Boom-Books is offering $1 off the Kindle e-book on Thurs. 5/22 ($2.99 instead of $3.99).

Thanks to RP Dahlke & All Mystery Newsletter for inspiring and promoting this 1-day sale!

fantod2014_hmI’ll be on Cape Cod for the actual anniversary, and to see Rick Jones’s 2014 show at the Edward Gorey House: “F is for Fantods: an Exhibit of the 28 Books of Edward Gorey’s Fantod Press.” According to rumor, this is the best show ever since Edward’s house became an artistic and biographical museum.  Catch it if you can!

You’re also invited to donate to Chris Seufert’s Kickstarter campaign for his Edward Gorey film. Chris reminds us that although the campaign reached its original target, much more money is needed to cover Mooncusser Productions’ expenses, including use of as much of Edward’s art as they can afford.

Best wishes for a fine Memorial Day weekend!

News, Reviews, & Thank-Yous

Noisemakers  favors - DofAs Boom-Books celebrates our third anniversary, and our first audiobook, we want to THANK YOU for your essential part in our success!

If you bought a copy of any of our books, or asked your local library or bookstore to buy one, THANK YOU!

The #1 way readers find out about books they’d like to read is from other readers.  If you posted a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or elsewhere of CJ Verburg’s Edward Gorey On Stage…a Multimedia Memoir, or Croaked: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery, or Silent Night Violent Night: a Cory Goodwin MysteryTHANK YOU!

If you’d like to review one or all of Charisse Howard’s short spicy Regency Rakes & Rebels romances — Lady Annabelle’s Abduction, Lady Barbara & the Buccaneer, Lady Caroline, the Corsair’s CaptiveTHANK YOU in advance!

LAA-audio-240We’ll be happy to e-mail you a free review copy of any of our books, including the new Lady Annabelle audiobook, brilliantly narrated by Stevie Zimmerman.  Just e-mail us the title and format you want at [email protected].

THANK YOU to Stevie Zimmerman, the brilliantly versatile and expressive British-born narrator of Lady Annabelle’s Abduction; to artist Barbara Oplinger, who designed the eye-catching covers for Dark Horseman, the award-winning Croaked, and Edward Gorey Plays Cape Cod;CroakedCJ-200 and to Richard Arnold, comrade-in-arts for many decades, who drew the wonderful chapter-opening garlands in Silent Night Violent Night.

Boom-Books news:
– Charisse Howard is delighted with the warm welcome listeners are giving her first audiobook.  Lady Annabelle’s Abduction runs 2 hours 16 minutes, a little longer than the average movie, and costs less ($6.95).LCCCARe  It’s a perfect accompaniment for commuting, chores, or relaxing, and a perfect try-out for any romance fan who’s curious about audiobooks but not up for a big commitment.  If Lady Annabelle does well, we’ll bring you audio versions of Lady Barbara and Lady Caroline later this year from Charisse and gifted narrator Stevie Zimmerman.
– CJ Verburg is chugging ahead on Zapped, the sequel to Croaked, which she hopes to finish in time for the holiday season. Look forward to a gala seaside fete which is cut short by disaster — a new challenge for those reluctant Quansett sleuths, artist Edgar Rowdey and soup-chef Lydia Vivaldi.

Other news:
– San Francisco’s Mechanics Institute Library continues to host the Indie Publishers’ working group on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 55 Post St.
– Next Wednesday, May 21, the Internet Archive will host the official launch of the Authors Alliance, a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving the public interest by supporting authors who create in order to be read, seen, and heard.
– Last but not least: If you’ve ever been involved in a theater production, especially a community theater production, don’t miss The Onion’s hilarious “Community Theater Gives Part Of Blanche DuBois To Kathy Fucking Hamilton” (thanks for that tip to thespian Bill Ring).

Make Art! Support a Film! Two Unique Kickstarter Opportunities

EGOS_wpby Carol Verburg

When my friend, Cape Cod neighbor, and theatrical comrade Edward Gorey died in April 2000, I moved (temporarily) into his house.  His executors wanted someone to keep an eye on his enormous trove of art; and I’d promised Edward that if anything ever happened to him, I’d look after his cats.

One of the first people I called at this grim time was Chris Seufert.

Edward and I had met Chris at C3TV, Cape Cod Community Television.  Later Chris asked Edward for permission to follow him around with a camera and shoot what would eventually become a film.  Since Edward wanted someone to videotape his puppet show of Cautionary Tales for Children — our first production at the Cotuit Center for the Arts, soon to be our theatrical home — he cautiously agreed.

EGwatchingBiggestChris is endlessly patient and cheerful as well as perceptive and creative — a good match.  He caught hundreds of beautiful moments and trenchant insights on film.  After Edward’s death, Chris brought over his camera and recorded this brilliant artist’s private domestic landscape just as his executors started to dismantle it.

Now Chris’s company, Mooncusser Productions, is preparing to release the film.  Want to be part of it?  Join the fun on Kickstarter! 

WildParrotsfilm_posterOnce Edward’s house was squared away, and my own, too, I moved to San Francisco.  That’s where I met the remarkable filmmaker Judy Irving.  She was just finishing her wonderful film The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, an affectionate portrait of our neighborhood’s beloved flock of birds and the man who befriended them, Mark Bittner.

Over the past several years Judy has focused her creativity, patience, and insight on pelicans.  She’s now completing a glorious film about these extraordinary birds, which I’ve enjoyed at two rough-cut screenings.  If you’d like to watch pelicans soaring across the sky, skimming the waves, and flying under water, as well as peek into many secret parts of their little-known lives, join Pelican Media and friends by becoming a supporter of Pelican Dreams on Kickstarter.


Celebrate the Lusty Month of May with “Lady Annabelle” the Audiobook

LAA-audio-240by Charisse Howard

Have you wanted to try an audiobook, but you’re not sure you’ll like it?  Does the 6-12 hour length and $15+ price of a novel sound like too big an investment?

Try Lady Annabelle’s Abduction!

What better way to tickle your ears and your heart than this spicy, suspenseful romance novella?  That’s why Boom-Books is kicking off the Lusty Month of May and its new audiobooks line with Lady Annabelle’s Abduction, #1 in my Regency Rakes & Rebels series.

Think of it as a movie you can watch in your head.  At 2 hours and 16 minutes, Lady Annabelle’s Abduction is the perfect length for doing chores or commuting to work, shopping or exercising, knitting or quilting or gardening . . .  And at $6.95, it’s cheaper than a movie!

Launch your own Lusty Month of May lustymonthwith Lady Annabelle’s Abduction, available now on Audible or iTunes — or on Amazon, where you can also pick up the e-book for just 99 cents.

Tra la!  It’s May!

How to Solve EPUB Problems on Nook & Kobo

8ballby the Boom-Books Production Team

21st-century e-book publishing is full of questions and mysteries. Some are opportunities which can become chores. For instance: back matter: that strange, ancient substance which often goes unnoticed even though it fills big chunks of the universe. Traditionally, back matter follows a book’s text and comprises anything from footnotes and index to Full Copyright Notice and About the Author. It’s a great place to tell readers about other books by the same author, publisher, or both. In an e-book, it’s a chance (and therefore an obligation) to include links to those books, and other clickable gateways for curious readers.

At Boom-Books we frequently update the links in our back matter. Lately, as the EPUB format has become more universal (that’s its purpose), paradoxically we’ve run into new glitches. Sometimes the robots-in-charge reject a book that’s been published in this same venue, in this same format, for years–with no explanation but a cryptic declaration which recalls the advice from a Magic 8-Ball:  Reply hazy. Try again. Or simply: No.

Recently we’ve had responses from Nook and Kindle to their EPUB format glitches which may be helpful to others facing the same problem.

On Kobo, our revision (repeatedly) provoked “unable to upload this e-book as expected.” Here’s Kobo’s Support’s response:

We’ve had a small number of authors report this issue to us. Our web team are currently working on a fix but in the meantime, we’ve found a work around.

Would you be able to clear the all content and submit the content file again?
1. Click the ‘Clear all’ button and to remove the content you had previously uploaded.
2. Click ‘Stop editing’
3. Go back to the ‘Add eBook Content’ section
4. Upload the saved content file and click ‘Replace File’.
5. Click ‘Next’ to save your changes.
6. Click “republish” button.

This should allow you to publish your edited file without running into any other errors.

On Nook, the formerly outstanding Previewer for uploaded e-books has evidently been replaced by a Manuscript Editor, which in our case introduced format errors to a previously successful EPUB file.

Here’s Nook Support’s response:

If you are not satisfied with the way your .epub manuscript file was imported into the Manuscript Editor or displays in the Previewer, you can instead put your .epub file on sale as a NOOK Book exactly as it was created by you.

After you submit all of the required NOOK Book details, a “Publish” button will appear in the upper right corner of the Manuscript page. Click this “Publish” button and select to put on sale “The original .epub file I uploaded”.

The “Preview NOOK Book” link displays the contents of the Manuscript Editor, so if you select to put On Sale “The original .epub I uploaded” then you can skip this preview because you are not putting the contents of the Manuscript Editor On Sale.

Once your Project is on sale as a NOOK Book, you can click “Download ePub” on the Manuscript page to view the NOOK Book file that customers download after making a purchase.

We’re committed to keeping as many book-publishing outlets open as possible. We hope this will help.

Bye-Bye Barnes & Noble Nook, or, Another Day, Another Robot?

XmasBall-wpby CJ Verburg

Some days, book publishing feels like a Vegas casino.

My 5-star noir cozy Silent Night Violent Night recently ended a 3-month stint on KDP (Kindle) Select. As part of Boom-Books’s quixotic quest not to put all its eggs in the Amazon basket, I’ve been updating back-matter links for SNVN‘s republication on Kobo, Nook, and Smashwords, among others.

OK, we’ve all heard that Barnes & Noble is sinking fast, and Nook is going under for the proverbial third time. Still, as recently as last year, Nook had the best e-book previewer and, it seemed, an impressive ability to expedite top-quality e-book production.

Apparently that’s history.

When I uploaded my revised EPUB (with nothing changed except links), lo and behold, every image in the book had vanished. In place of my title page, logo, and chapter-opening graphics, Nook displayed text with a png extension (e.g., bb small Logo.png).

Was this a problem with the Nook Previewer, or with Nook’s process to convert the uploaded files into an e-books? I couldn’t proceed with publication until I found out. So I clicked on “Chat with Customer Service.” That yielded the following exchange:


You are now connected with Marie from Nook Press

Carol Verburg: In the Nook previewer, images that are jpgs in my EPUB appear instead as text with .png extension. Will the images appear as images in the actual e-book?

Marie: Thank you for joining NOOK Press Chat Support. My name is Marie. Good day, Carol!

Marie: I understand that you are inquiring about the format of the images once it become a finished eBook.

Carol Verburg: Right

Marie: Yes, that is correct.

Carol Verburg: What is correct?

Marie: The whole manuscript will be converted as ePub since it will be saved as a whole.

Carol Verburg: It is already EPUB. That’s the form in which I uploaded it. That’s why I don’t understand why my jpgs are now showing as text with a png extension.

Marie: If you want to make sure that your images will appear perfect on the eBook, please use the “Preview” option on Manuscript Editor.

Carol Verburg: Are you a robot? or just not paying attention? It is the Preview I’m talking about.

Marie: If the image looks fine on “Preview” it is what you can also expect on the actual eBook when you take it on-sale.

Carol Verburg: If it looked fine, I wouldn’t be asking why the images have been converted into text. IT DOES NOT LOOK FINE. The images have DISAPPEARED.

Marie: I am a real person. I am sorry for my previous responses.

Carol Verburg: Is there a tech support rep who can answer this question?

Marie: Alright, please it seems like the images were not accepted by the Manuscript Editor.

Marie: Please format your ePub using the guidelines on Support page “Formatting Guidelines for ePub”.

Carol Verburg: I did. The images match the Nook specs. The EPUB passes epub check. For some reason, either the Nook process or the Nook previewer is converting my jpg images into text. I need to know if it is the previewer or the process, because there is nothing more I can do, since the images are already done correctly.

Marie: If this will not answer your question, I will be glad to raise your question to our next level of support for further assistance.

Marie: Please provide the title of your project.

Carol Verburg: Silent Night Violent Night

Marie: I see, it seems like the issue really needs to be escalated. Thank you for the information.

Marie: I will forward your concern to them. You can expect to receive a response in approximately two business days.

Carol Verburg: Then evidently it is in my best interest not to publish this book as a Nook book.

Marie: We apologize for the inconvenience this have caused you. I appreciate the time you’ve given us. Will that be all for now?

Carol Verburg: yes

Marie: By the way, to learn more about the exciting features we offer, please visit us at https://nookpress.com/support/faq and explore our FAQs. It’s been a pleasure chatting with you. Thank you for contacting NOOK Press™ and have a wonderful day!

The chat session has timed out and is now closed.

Left Coast Crime conference, Pt II: Six Valuable Tips

Random House first edition (1967) of the Marshall McLuhan classic.by CJ Verburg

Four days of panel discussions by a whole kaleidoscope of experts in the book business led to an equally kaleidoscopic range of conclusions, predictions, and advice. Here are some highlights:

1. Don’t waste your time seeking an agent and a traditional publishing contract.  It takes forever to get an agent, if indeed you can find one at all; then it takes her/him forever to find that one editor who “gets” your book. Advances–up-front payments against future royalties–are history. You’ll still have to do most or all of your own marketing; the publisher will only support your book for its first few months out the gate; and they and your agent will take most of your earnings.

2. Don’t self-publish.  You’re a writer, not a designer, editor, and marketer. Take advantage of professional help! Your agent isn’t just your negotiator, but your career manager–objective and irreplaceable.  Without one, most serious publishers won’t even look at your manuscript.  And without a traditional publisher, you can’t join guilds such as Mystery Writers of America, so you’re not eligible for the Edgar and other awards that can propel your book to the top.

3.  Blurbs are crucial.  Before you publish a book, spend at least 3-6 months sending out ARCs (advance review copies) to big names in your field, to garner some quotable praise you can feature on your cover, website, social media, etc.

4. Nobody believes blurbs anymore.  It’s well known that many people quoted on book covers and in other PR haven’t read the book. On Amazon and other social media, reviews are constantly bought and sold.  Even reputable reviewers pick and choose from a tiny selection of books prescreened by their editor.

5. Brick-and-mortar bookstores are a dying breed.  More and more people every day switch to e-books, and even those who prefer print books usually buy them online.

6. Independent bookstores are thriving.  For the past two years, more bookstores have opened than closed. They’re changing their focus, adding more events and long-distance orders; they’re successfully adapting to the changing industry.

What everyone agrees is that it’s the Wild West out there. Publishing is in upheaval. The e-book and print-on-demand revolution mean that more books are being published every year than the year before. Amazon is the 800-pound gorilla in the room. How all this will shake down is a question being asked every five minutes, and answered with new start-ups, apps, and how-to guides which come and go as fast as books themselves.

It’s the best of times, it’s the worst of times. It’s the age of wisdom, it’s the age of foolishness; it’s the spring of hope, it’s the winter of despair. We have everything before us, we have nothing before us. Where have we heard this before?


Left Coast Crime conference, Pt I: the amazing Louise Penny

How the light gets in: Louise Penny interviewed at Left Coast Crime 2014 by Andrew Martin, her publisher at Minotaur

by CJ Verburg

I never go to writers’ conferences.  In my (mumble mumble) years of experience, “I never” usually means “but I will very soon, surprise!” Thus, when I heard that Louise Penny, Ann Cleeves, Deborah Crombie, Cara Black, and 800 mystery writers and fans, including several remarkable authors I’d “met” on LinkedIn’s Crime Fiction group, would be at Left Coast Crime 2014 in Monterey, I realized I was overdue for a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and nearby historical sights.

The first I heard of Louise Penny was just a few months ago.  It wasn’t the rave reviews that made me pick up her first Inspector Gamache mystery, but the title of her latest book:  How the Light Gets In.  Any writer with the perspicacity to choose one of Leonard Cohen’s finest lines for a book title has already piqued my curiosity and won my tentative respect.  (Confession: my next Cory Goodwin mystery has the working title “Another Number for the Road.”)  My first happy discovery when I started turning Penny’s pages was the little Canadian town of Three Pines, a setting remarkably similar to the village of Quansett in my Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod mysteries.  A kindred spirit for sure!  By the time I finished her second book, I was a confirmed fan.

Stepping in for Deborah Crombie, who wasn’t feeling well (“because of what I put in her food”), Louise Penny interviews Cara Black on Saturday afternoon.

Louise Penny in person is beautiful, funny, articulate, diffident, brazen, charming, flirtatious, and unpredictable.  Interviewed on Friday afternoon by her editor at Minotaur, Andy Wilson, she talked frankly about how she came to mystery writing, and why it took her four decades to tackle what’s now her vocation.  She always wanted to write.  She was terrified she’d screw it up.  She became a journalist so that she could try it without risking massive failure.  Eventually her husband goosed her into taking the big leap with those three magic words:  “I’ll support you.”

Penny confided that she gave the name of Nichol to Gamache’s awkward, brash, irritating, foot-in-mouth young assistant–a very real character, whom she clearly understood from the heart–as a play on her own name.

Asked about her most recent book, which has won so many kudos and superlatives it’s almost embarrassing, Penny quoted the full chorus of Leonard Cohen’s “Anthem.”  These are lines I get a chill just quoting; perhaps they ring a bell for every artist as they do for me:

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.

One last piece of good news: Penny’s next book is finished and in the publishing pipeline.

Laissez les bon temps rouler! Mardi Gras discount!

LBB-2014-AReby Charisse Howard

If you can’t make it to Carnival in New Orleans, sail back in time two hundred years and celebrate with Lady Barbara & the Buccaneer!  Climb aboard a Louisiana bayou pirate ship for a night of spicy romance at the illicit 1814 Mardi Gras on the bayou island of Grand Terre, for a special now-through-Tuesday price of just $1!

On Smashwords, click here and use the code SU94C (not case-sensitive);
On AllRomanceEbooks (ARe): just click here.
Vite!  Vite!  The coupon expires at dawn on Wednesday.

With the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the puritanical Americans banned the rowdy French celebration of Mardi Gras.  While Napoleon fought to conquer Great Britain and continental Europe, the newly United States launched the War of 1812 to snatch Canada from the distracted Brits–and to stop Britain from snatching sailors off American ships.  le-corsaire-noirOnce again, as they had 200 years before, the Louisiana bayous became pirate territory.  Jean and Pierre Laffite and their comrades ran an Amazon-sized smuggling network, buying and selling and capturing goods from French, British, Spanish, and American ships alike.

By 1814, Andrew Jackson, who didn’t know that the War of 1812 had ended in stalemate, was on his way to fight the Battle of New Orleans. redcoats1 It wasn’t a wasted clash:  Jackson’s victory would tip the scale in the peace negotiations.  But that Spring, the only Americans who could celebrate the great French tradition of Mardi Gras were the buccaneers of Barataria Bay.  Join the fun for a night of hot romance and revelry with Lady Barbara & the Buccaneer–half price from now until dawn on Wednesday, March 5.

A Dazzling Week of San Francisco Book Adventures

by CJ Verburg

Coming up this week are three remarkable book-focused events.

Laura Sheppard
Isabella Michon

On Wednesday, Feb. 26, the Mechanics’ Institute presents “The Inside Scoop on Book Promotion.”  In a rare appearance on the stage instead of behind it, MI Events Director Laura Sheppard will reveal how she (and others who book author appearances) decides who’ll fill her few coveted presentation spots. Professional publicist Isabella Michon will further illuminate the challenge of winning media attention for one’s books. This special open-to-the-public meeting of MI’s biweekly 5:30 PM Indie Publishers’ Working Group promises to be a don’t-miss event for every writer and/or publisher who’s reached the end of his/her Twitter-Facebook-Reddit-Pinterest-Vine-YouTube tether.

IRClogoIn the digital age, it was only a matter of time until that popular phenomenon the writers’ conference went virtual. IndieReCon (“making indie-publishing a mission possible”) offers a slate of online speakers and panels this coming Tuesday through Thursday on topics from “How to Write Fast” to “Getting Started on Goodreads.” Highlight speakers include Indie-revolution pillars Joe Konrath and Barry Eisler (12 to 2 PM Tuesday), C.S. Lakin, Joel Friedlander, Mark Lefebvre, Joanna Penn, and David Gaughran.

Book_Promotion_Forum_logo.1Another online highlight:  From 1:05 to 2 PM on Tuesday, Book Promotion Forum offers a free online webinar.  Berrett-Koehler’s Vice President of Editorial and Digital David Marshall will share highlights from this year’s Digital Book World Conference in an hour-long discussion with Book Promotion Forum President (and Berrett-Koehler Social Media Strategist) Kat Engh.

EG's Doubtful Guest, CAM's Heather Plunkett, & FOE CJ Verburg
EG’s Doubtful Guest, CAM’s Heather Plunkett, & FOE CJ Verburg

The evening was a blur at Edward Gorey’s 89th birthday party at the Cartoon Art Museum on Thursday, celebrated by the guest of honor in absentia owing to his decease 14 years ago. The slideshow didn’t function, but Fantod readings reliably predicted gloom all around. As Yerba Buena Third Thursday art fans drifted hither and yon, tea and wine flowed, and lovely macaroons and madeleines became food for memory, I read “The Osbick Bird,” which also was read by Julie Harris, the late actress and FOE (friend of Edward’s), at his 2000 memorial party in Yarmouth Port. For more, read Edward Gorey On Stage: a Multimedia Memoir.