Breaking news: US & Mexico to Partner with Christo on Border Wall
But first:
Always a bright spot in our In box is Bay Area publisher Berrett-Koehler’s BKCommunique. Among today’s high points:
Above the masthead, this unattributed insight:
“The sinking of the Titanic must have been a miracle to the live lobsters in the kitchen.”
- “10 Ways First-Time Writers Can Get Noticed on Social Media,” a guest post by Emily Sweet, the Executive Director of Brand Development and Client Initiatives at Park Literary & Media, on “The Writer’s Dig” blog by Brian Klems on Writer’s Digest’s website.
- and this news flash from Entertainment: “Alec Baldwin to co-write book as President Trump”
Speak of the devil: OK, we weren’t listening all that closely, but WOW! What a great idea from the White House! — commissioning Christo to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico!
We hear this grand project will be a partnership between the Mexican and U.S. governments, underwritten on our side by a big expansion of the National Endowment for the Arts. Between artists, construction workers, and the PBS crew filming the whole thing for public television, thousands of jobs will be created on both sides of the border. Income from tourism is estimated at over $100 million.
U.S.-Mexico Border Wall by Christo: a multifaceted win-win in the finest tradition of American enterprise.