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At the Online Crossroads of Bitcoins, Crowdfunding, & Murder

flintlock coinsWhich thriller author will be the first to turn Andy Greenberg’s November 18 Forbes story into crime fiction?

And will s/he be assassinated before the movie comes out?

Meet The ‘Assassination Market’ Creator Who’s Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins is a chilling report:

…Last month I received an encrypted email from someone calling himself by the pseudonym Kuwabatake Sanjuro, who pointed me towards his recent creation: The website Assassination Market, a crowdfunding service that lets anyone anonymously contribute bitcoins towards a bounty on the head of any government official–a kind of Kickstarter for political assassinations. According to Assassination Market’s rules, if someone on its hit list is killed–and yes, Sanjuro hopes that many targets will be–any hitman who can prove he or she was responsible receives the collected funds.suit-tie-target

Greenberg tells us that top targets–prominent figures who’ve already had bitcoins pledged toward their murder–include President Barack Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.  Sanjuro’s goal is ‘to destroy “all governments everywhere”‘ by triggering the deaths of so many politicians that no one dares to hold office.

‘“I am a crypto-anarchist,” Sanjuro concludes. “We have a bright future ahead of us.”’

Sanjuro chose his name partly in “homage to creator of the online black market Silk Road, who called himself the Dread Pirate Roberts.”  Back in September, Greenberg wrote a parallel story about Roberts and his illicit empire, “the Web’s busiest bazaar for heroin, methamphetamines, crack, cocaine, LSD, ecstasy and enough strains of marijuana to put an Amsterdam coffee shop to shame.”  Although it was busted not long after appearing in Forbes, “Roberts’ eBay-like service was grossing $1.2 million a month in the first half of 2012” and subsequently “doubled its product listings.”  Ironically, Silk Road was a job-creator for the U.S. government, keeping not only the FBI busy but also the Postal Service, which delivered the company’s vacuum-sealed products.

Book_knifeFor a publisher like Boom-Books, which specializes in Mystery, Romance, & International Intrigue, the “virtualization” of large-scale crime has staggering implications.  On the one hand, can a vivid action novel be written about skulduggery which in multiple senses is invisible?  Drugs and violent death are tangible; bitcoins and the extremely secretive Tor network (on which both these enterprises operate) exist only as code.

On the other hand, what is the responsibility of authors and publishers toward the larger community?  How do we define that community in a world that increasingly is both international and virtual?  Where is the line between utilizing material, capitalizing on someone else’s crimes, and enabling or even encouraging those crimes?

This is far from the first time we’ve been faced with these questions, but never before have the answers had such potentially vast and grave consequences.

Kobo, iTunes, B&N: What Are they Best For?

GoldRushstoreIn the 21st-century publishing Gold Rush, as in Gold Rushes past, most of the riches don’t go to the miners, but to the entrepreneurs who sell to the miners. That’s why enough online book-services companies have popped up in the past decade to fill a phone book. (Remember phone books?)

Once upon a time, book fans wondered:  Can Apple can beat out bookstackAmazon? Is Kobo the Canadian Amazon? Will B&N leap into the gap left by Borders before Amazon fills it? Now it’s a hot race for second place. (Remember Lulu?) In our guerrilla sector of the book biz, the FAQ are:  Which of these competitors are most useful to us and our customers? What are their distinctive features? How are readers, writers, and publishers utilizing them?

Thus began a nonscientific investigation, whose findings are reported here with the hope that you’ll add your own data.  This week we look at three big competitors in book creation and distribution.  Later we’ll explore book social media, e.g., Twitter and Goodreads.

No_Girls_Allowed_3While Amazon defined itself as the universal online marketplace, Apple chose the Secret Clubhouse approach. Want to be in with the In Crowd? Join the iTeam! Apple’s edge is in design, innovation, and quality of products. Where are they focusing their publishing energy? On iBooks Author, the first platform that let anybody with an iPad build a professional-looking full-color illustrated book. Which can be bought and/or enjoyed by anyone else with an iPad. No outsiders allowed.

We at Boom-Books wish Apple would develop Pages. This excellent program lets anybody apple-store-nywith a Mac easily format a book, and then export it in the semi-universal EPUB format to any e-publishing platform (except Amazon’s Kindle). Coupled with the expert help available at Apple Stores, Pages could be the go-to program for indie and self-publishers. But letting iUsers publish elsewhere would open a gate Apple prefers to keep shut. Yet their own e-publishing arm is not user-friendly. It’s much easier to finagle a book into iTunes (an odd channel for book sales) via an aggregator such as Smashwords than via Apple.

A Barnes and Noble book store is shown here in Encinitas May 20, 2008Barnes & Noble hamstrung itself right out of the starting gate by giving each part of its book operation a different (and less than catchy) name. To read a B&N e-book, you need a Nook. To publish a book with B&N, until recently you had to use the inelegantly titled PubIt! The newer Nook mini-tablets actually are fine e-readers, which can be picked up cheap these days since B&N is dropping them. Alas for the company’s future, one of these devices’ best features is their Android operating system and full access to Google, including Google Books and Google Play (also an odd channel for book sales–but more on that another time).

Kobo started as the Canadian Amazon, building its own e-readers and selling books. Now, kobo-nycalthough Japanese-owned, it’s finding a niche as the ally of independent American bookstores in their defensive battle against the giant. An indie bookstore hosts a Kobo kiosk; if a reader opens a Kobo account on the bookshop’s website, the shop gets a percentage of sales to that reader.  Kobo’s newest round of tablets, large and small, claim to be optimized for reading. It’s their stand with the good guys, though, that may be their strongest selling point. Amazon seems to think so: it’s just launched a competing program called Source. So far, indie bookstores are not falling over themselves to sign up. News reports on Source tend to include the phrase “Faustian bargain.”

The Regency Abroad: Behind the Scenes of “Lady Barbara & the Buccaneer”

LBB-11-6-Final-200While Jane Austen dissected English manners and morals, Napoleon of France was busting his bustier in a ferocious campaign to invade Great Britain.  Like a 19th-century Wile E. Coyote, he tried everything: barges, distractions, even balloonists.  Charisse Howard lifts the curtain on those British officers who were forever popping in and out of Austen’s novels:  Where were they going, and why?

Read the fascinating true story of how the British, French, Spanish, Americans, and a band of Louisiana buccaneers crossed swords in a Napoleonic War of the Worlds, on Charisse’s website: “The Regency Abroad: Behind the Scenes of Lady Barbara & the Buccaneer.

San Francisco, Halloween, & Edward Gorey

Halloween2013Dby Carol Verburg

Every year on this date, a sudden murmur outside catches my ear.  It quickly rises to a gabble, rather like the parrots who squawk hysterically when they fly overhead.  It’s the kids in their Halloween costumes!

They walk up the Greenwich Street hill from Stockton to Coit Tower.  When they reach the bottom again, they’ll make a ceremonious circle around Washington Square Park.  Like the Columbus Day Parade, this event has endeared itself to me for its hokey straightforwardness — “We are wonderful and we want to show you!” — plus its diversity.  A Latino Spiderman, a Caucasian Wonder Woman, a Chinese tiger: chattering to each other, sometimes holding hands, the kids show off their rainbow of ethnicities at the same time they’re showing off their costumes.

Over the ten-plus years I worked and hung out with the artist Edward Gorey, he never particularly relished Halloween.  Kids, yes: they charmed him almost as much as cats and dogs did.  To adults he could be courtly and courteous or sardonic or chilly, but to kids he was just plain sweet.  He was also partial to bats and skeletons, more so to mysteries, less so to pumpkins; but not in the same up-close way.

He thought it was bizarre that adults kept linking him to Halloween.  He disliked anyone calling his work macabre.  There was nothing prurient in his curiosity about death.

Halloween2013AIn San Francisco, death, like almost everything, is practically an art form.  Edward only visited this city once that I know of.  He and his friend Connie, who attended Mills College, met on the top floor of the Fairmont (as I recall) one weekend when he was on leave from his Army job in Utah and danced the night away.  (For more on that Army job, which I strongly suspect fostered many of his later interests, including The X-Files, see my book Edward Gorey on Stage…a Multimedia Memoir.)  He had already put down his roots by then in the sandy, stony soil of Cape Cod.  California interested him, as everything interested him, but he had no inclination to travel here (or anywhere).

Still, every year when the kids go by, I think of Edward.  He would have stood on the balcony, as I do, and watched this homespun parade in absorbed fascination.

Then he would have chucked the cat under her chin — “Wuzzum wuzzum!” — and gone back to his drawing board.

What’s So Addictive About Jane Austen & the Regency Era?

By Charisse Howard

regency ball drawing

Why are so many readers so fascinated by that small window known as the Regency which opened in English society two centuries ago?

As the author of Boom-Books’ new alphabetical “Regency Rakes & Rebels” series, I get this question a lot.  And it intrigues me, because for most of my life I thought I was the only Jane Austen fanatic out there.  (Well, almost the only one.  My friend Terry was hooked, too.)

What is the Regency, anyhow?

Madness_of_king_george-715444It’s the nine years when King George III of England lost enough of his wits that his son, the Prince of Wales, had to stand in for him.  Yes, that’s the George III we learned about in history class, who taxed his American colonies without representation and lost them in the Revolutionary War.  His 48-year-old son (also named George) took the reins as Regent in 1811.  His father made him King George IV by dying in 1820.  The Prince Regent was a rich spoiled carouser, neither loved by his people while he lived nor mourned when he died.  He’s best known for giving a title to the short, distinctive span between the Georgian and Victorian periods (he was succeeded briefly by his brother, and for much longer by his niece Victoria).

What intrigues me is that here’s an era which is defined, from where we stand, by two of the most opposite Brits imaginable: George, the fat, selfish, small-minded, big-partying Prince Regent; and Jane Austen, the modest, brilliant, large-hearted (albeit snarky) stay-at-home writer.

Another paradox:  While Austen was dissecting the complicated process of entanglement redcoats1between women and men dotted about the English countryside, what was up with those officers forever passing in and out of her picture?  George & Co. were dispatching them all over the globe to battle for Britain.  Napoleon, not content with ruling France and picking off large chunks of Europe, sold his Louisiana Territory to the Americans to fund a British invasion!  Spain, England’s enemy since before Sir Francis Drake, flipped to ally.  Who owned any particular Caribbean island was a toss-up from one year to the next.  And that’s not to mention Napoleon’s horrifically doomed invasion of Russia (see War and Peace), or Britain’s re-assault on America in the War of 1812 (see “The Battle of New Orleans”).

Meanwhile, the wastrel Prince Regent hadn’t learned much from Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.  While George squandered fortunes on amusements, his subjects were starving in the streets.  It wasn’t just him, though.  Jane Austen largely ignored them, too.  Call it a useful reminder of the power of modern media.  The ladies and gentlemen discovering the waltz or quadrille on either Austen’s or the Regent’s dance floor literally didn’t see their countrymen at the bottom of the barrel.  Out of sight, out of mind.

Luckily, Charles Dickens was born in 1812.

“Get Real” – Litquake & MIL Explore Reality vs Perception

Ceci n’est pas Sleeping Beauty’s Castle

Here in San Francisco, “reality” can be more fluid than elsewhere.  Last night Litquake, our week+ October literary festival, popped up at the Mechanics’ Institute Library for a vibrant and vigorous panel discussion entitled “Get Real: Perception and the Nature of Reality.”
Looking under every stone from particle physics to game theory were Robert Burton, MD, author of A Skeptic’s Guide to the Mind; UC Berkeley psychologist and NPR blogger Tania Lombrozo; conceptual artist Jonathon Keats, author of Forged; and game designer Jane McGonigal, author of Reality is Broken.  Their adept moderator, novelist and physicist Ransom Stephens, posed questions which encouraged a wide-ranging investigation.  Some highlights:

  • Stephens launched the quest with a physicist’s working definition — “Reality is a space where things move” — and noted that, perceptually, reality appears entirely different at different scales (vide the 1977 Eames film Powers of Ten).
  • Robert Burton used the double-arrow paradox to illustrate that perception is not only deceptive, but cultural: whether you see both arrows as the same length or as different depends partly on where you grew up, as do many other observations and beliefs.  He depicted the whole concept of reality as convenient more than factual.  He also observed that “language comes after feeling”: In our perpetual quest for purpose and value, we’re most likely to perceive our lives as having meaning when we feel that things (work, love, and other arenas of struggle) are going well.
  • Jane McGonigal debunked the popular idea that gamers are escaping from reality: in the first place, winning points turns out to be less of a motivator than the thrill of pitting one’s smarts and skills against a challenge; and, second, grappling with virtual reality has been shown to sharpen those smarts and skills as well as to boost other measures of health and success.  Far from making people dysfunctional, games can be valuable in treating dysfunctions such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
  • Tania Lombrozo, whose specialties include explanation/causation and moral reasoning, probed the mysterious human itch to explain reality.  What use is it?  Why are we so picky about what kinds of explanations satisfy us? — for instance, preferring one that includes a cause-and-effect story (preferably with us humans in the picture) to a simple observation.  She noted that explanations accomplish more than what’s on the surface: “Sometimes you can learn something new just by explaining to yourself.”
  • Jonathon Keats described some of his and others’ conceptual-art explorations, positing the goal as in effect stepping outside of everyday cause-and-effect consensual reality into “purposeful purposelessness” (e.g., the silent ringtone).  In keeping with his latest book’s subtitle, “Why Fakes Are the Great Art of Our Age,” he toured the fuzzy border between art (e.g., drawing a dollar and trading it for a cup of coffee) and forgery (“Would a moron in a hurry mistake this for the real thing?”).

What about reality beyond the handsome book-lined walls of the Mechanics’s Institute Library?

  • Regarding the current 3-ring circus in Washington, Jane McGonigal disputed the common contention “This isn’t a —ing game!”  On the contrary: the problem is that different sets of participants are playing different games with incompatible rules and goals (e.g., winning re-election vs. alleviating poverty), which hugely complicates the challenge of achieving an outcome that’s acceptable to all the players.
  • Tania Lombrozo added that studies have shown that new evidence doesn’t always help contenders move toward agreement or harmony; instead, somewhat paradoxically, it can stiffen their original positions.
  • She also emphasized that there isn’t just one “reality.”  Robert Burton agreed that we are inclined and able, often seamlessly, to integrate multiple realities (e.g., a spiritual and a scientific explanation for an experience or phenomenon), rather than opt for a single consistent set of beliefs reflecting what Ransom Stephens called a Grand Unification Theory of reality.

Much more of interest was said during the panel discussion and Q&A which space prevents including here.  Congratulations to Litquake, MIL Events Director Laura Sheppard, the exceptionally fascinating panelists and moderator, their large and uncommonly astute audience, and MIL staff and volunteers for an outstanding evening!


Publishing and the Paradox of Promotion

DBW conf header

A few days ago, intrepid publicist Kat Engh reported back to San Francisco’s Book Promotion Forum (formerly NCBPMA) on Digital Book World’s recent conference in New York.  Two central themes emerged which, at first glance, appear contradictory.

On the one hand, publishers are recognizing that the twin core of their business is books and authors.  Readers don’t buy a book because of who published it, but who wrote it.  Forget the table at Locke-Ober, cocktails at the Algonquin, the gilt-edged expense account.  Publishers are service providers.  Their top priority is to reinforce the link between reader and author–i.e., help authors build a strong connection with readers–because that link, not the one between reader and publisher, springs the mousetrap.

36_258698_unbekannt_galley-slaves-of-the-barbary-corsairsOne is tempted to observe that we on the galley-slave end of publishing have known this for . . . what? about 500 years?  Still: better late than never.

On the other hand, how does this shape the way publishers approach their customers, AKA readers?  Are we talking warm and fuzzy?  Shared interests?  Being a good listener?

Not exactly.  Here are the marketing presentations.

Agile Marketing: How Data, Research and Analysis Can Help You Build Lasting Relationships with Readers – Peter McCarthy, Founder, McCarthy Digital

Making Meaningful Reader Connections: Defining, Building, and Using Your Known Customer Databases – Suzie Sisoler, Senior Director of Consumer Engagement, Penguin Group (USA), A division of Penguin Random House

Data-Driven Marketing and the Delicate Balance Between People and Machines – David Boyle, SVP of Consumer Insight, Harper Collins Publishers

Rinse and Repeat: Measure, Analyze, and Optimize – an Interactive Approach to Realizing Your Marketing ROI – Erica Curtis, Director, Marketing Analytics, Penguin Random House

How does an intense focus on data mesh with supporting authors as they nurture their personal connection with readers? Intriguing clues appear in the presentations. Whether those clues will solve the mystery of successful publishing, only time–and data?–will tell.

Booktoberfest! or, Put the Pub back into Publishing

On Friday night 9/27 the Mechanics’ Institute Library hosted its third annual Booktoberfest, celebrating San Francisco Bay Area book artists, craftspeople, and producers, including MIL’s own Indie Publishers’ Working Group.


What better way to toast local books than with local beers?  21st Amendment Brewery, Speakeasy Ales & Lagers provided some Dionysian lubrication for this Apollonian event, with the excellent assistance of Specialty’s Cafe & Bakery, UC Berkeley Extension, Wiley publishers, and Bay Area cornerstone The Book Designer, AKA Joel Friedlander.

CongratulationsBktbrIndieS to our extraordinary table of independent publishers: Adele Fasick, Carol Costello, Mary O’Toole, Jon Foyt, Jackie Davis-Martin, and Carol Verburg, also representing the absent Renee Gibbons.  Also to separate participants Alicia Young, Charles Sullivan, Paula Hendricks, and David Colin Carr.


The books created by this diverse and distinguished group cover such a broad range–from Adele’s Guide to California Government to Alicia’s Savvy Girl’s Guide to Grace to Carol C’s novel Chasing Grace–that we may need our own website to do them justice.  Meanwhile, most or all are easily found at individual websites and via search engines.

Congratulations, everybody! and keep up the good work!

Hot off the e-press! Charisse Howard’s new Regency Romance: Lady Annabelle’s Abduction

Annabelle final ARe
Some like it hot — if that’s you, grab Charisse Howard’s brand-new flagship book in her Regency Rakes & Rebels series: Lady Annabelle’s Abduction.

This is a historical-suspense romance that’ll scorch your fingers!  Lady Annabelle Chatfield is resigned to marrying the dumpy middle-aged Earl of Brackenbury in order to save her desperate family.  But a week before the wedding, a tall dark stranger pops in her bedroom window and carries her off — thereby risking her honor and her future.

Can a rescue party or a ransom come in time to save her?

After just one day of being treated like a woman instead of a lady, does she really want it to?

Find out more on Charisse’s websiteor buy Lady Annabelle’s Abduction on

Let’s Get Small! In Which the World Discovers What Artists Have Long Known

Tale of 2 CIn the roller-coaster publishing business, it’s the best of times and the worst of times.  Mystery writer Bill Buford directs our attention to an illuminating article by Erica Wagner in the Financial Times a few days ago:

“. . . When you scan the cultural landscape, it seems like everything is getting bigger and bigger and bigger. . . . How will publishers counter the might of Amazon, which recently reported sales of $15.7bn in three months? By mustering their regiments into one giant army: the merger of Penguin and Random House will mean a single company controlling a quarter of the world’s book market.”

Thirty years ago, my publishing colleague Ron Pullins observed that the industry’s obsessive focus on best-sellers and consolidation had the happy side effect of opening up room in the smaller markets.  After an internecine battle restructured the company we worked for, impelling us both to jump off the corporate ladder, Ron created his own company, Focus Publishing, and fulfilled his dream of never working for another @#%!#@ again.

Wagner, on the other side of the Pond, paid a call on publisher David Fickling, who recently parted company with Random House.  Fickling–cosily settled in his “pleasingly ramshackle Oxford office”–quoted Albert Einstein:  “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

Most of us who chose creative callings did it for the gift, only to find ourselves browbeaten by the servant.  The democratization of the arts, which has fulfilled the hippie dream of Power to the People, AKA the socialist dream of workers owning the means of production, sometimes seems to have let so many hundreds of flowers bloom that we’re all in danger of suffocating from the pollen.  It’s useful to remember that the core of what we do is its own reward.  Those twin Colossus of Rhodes pillars of our culture, Discoverability and Monetization, are only the legs holding up the creation.

Still, ya gotta have feet!  In the “feats don’t fail me now” department, Michael Wolf’s The NextMarket Blog offers some exciting tips on New platforms enabling authors to side-step Amazon Kindle.