Happy Birthday, Edward Gorey! Party This Thursday @ CAM

Cartoon Art Museum’s Third Thursday presents:
Happy Birthday, Edward Gorey!
Thursday, February 20, 2014, 5pm to 8pm

Free and open to the public

EGcakeSan Francisco, CA:  Join the Cartoon Art Museum as we celebrate the late Edward Gorey’s 89th birthday on Thursday, February 20th, 655 Mission Street. Doors open at 5pm; festivities begin at 6pm, including wine, tea, cookies, and entertainment.  Join in dramatic readings from Gorey’s works led by his longtime collaborator Carol Verburg! Look into your future with a prophetic Fantods reading by Paige Z! Costumes welcome but not required.

Edward St. John Gorey (1925–2000) is famous for the bounty of books he wrote and illustrated, featuring his distinctive humor and astonishingly detailed crosshatch ink drawings. Gorey was also a playwright, a Tony award-winning costume and set designer (for the Broadway production of Dracula), and the creator of the animated introduction to the PBS series Mystery!
