What first caught my attention about Matthew Iden’s books was his cover designs.
It turns out Matt designs his own book covers. In his blog, he’s recently started sharing his insights — well worth reading for any indie author!
Here’s one excerpt:
Judging a book by its cover
. . . You are, in essence, using your cover as a proxy for the total value of your book: the plot, the characters, the outcome, the entertainment value, the resonance with the reader. You are asking your potential readers to make the rather amazing decision of whether they will plunk down cash, spend hours, days, or weeks reading your words, and tell everyone they know about your book based on a glance at your book’s cover. . . .
If the messaging vis-à-vis your cover is garbled, confusing, contradictory, or misleading, you’re in trouble. Avoid that situation by putting an unambiguous primary image in front of your reader’s noses.