A quick recap of February’s highlights:
Thanks to everybody who joined Renée Gibbons and me on Sunday afternoon, 2/12, at the Bottle Cap in North Beach, to celebrate our new books! A packed house enjoyed a Dionysian afternoon of wine, women, & song, with Renee’s daughter Ashling and guitarist Cedric Wilson adding music to our readings from my novel Silent Night Violent Night: a Cory Goodwin Mystery and Renée’s memoir Longing for Elsewhere: My Irish Voyage Through Hunger, History & High Times.
Then onward to Edward Gorey’s birthday celebration
2/22 at SF’s Cartoon Art Museum
where we got to eat cupcakes, drink wine, hear our Fantods, & listen to bits of my books Edward Gorey Plays Cape Cod and Croaked: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery.
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Finally, a Slumber Party @ MIL on Thurs. 2/23
to launch the Sleep & Dreams issue of Mnemosyne
with 11 different artists’ presentations and readings,
& featuring my dreamy/nightmarish publishing mystery,
Silent Night Violent Night.
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Deeper in the Past:
Ashland New Plays Festival
News Items: > Sunday Mail Tribune | > Ashland Daily Tidings
Rehearsal’s a picnic at Ashland New Plays Festival! The wonderful cast of my play Spin, or Twilight of the Bohemians: Mark Barsekian, Lenny Neimark (director), Rodney Gardiner, Terri McMahon, Brandy Carson, Holly Weber Neimark, David Kelly, & Douglas Rowe. Not shown: Ellie von Radics.
Thanks to the many readers and Gorey fans who came
to my talk and book signing June 9 at the Edward Gorey House in Yarmouthport, MA. What a treat to reunite with so many of Edward’s (and my) Cape Cod friends, neighbors, and collaborators! and to reminisce about our onstage and offstage dramas in the 1990s, when we staged plays from Bourne to Provincetown. Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear in Edward Gorey Plays Cape Cod — and, in fictional form, Croaked: an Edgar Rowdey Cape Cod Mystery.